They Were Worth It (A Birthday Tribute to Gabriel)

They Were Worth It! (Birthday Tribute to Gabriel) Having children was the second most intense process God used to annihilate my deceptive narrative of “life will obey my every command”. Outside of the normal trials and tribulations in my selfish single years, marriage (the most intense) came along and kept [...]

A Quick Word to Mamas and Daddies…Don’t Hold Back!!

Just a quick word to Mamas and Daddies!   Let your kids see you worship the Lord. Do it in their presence unashamedly. Let them see you refuse their requests when they barge in on your time with God. Let them see you invite them into your time with God, [...]

By |2018-10-03T21:30:16+00:00October 3rd, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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