Know His Pace, Know His Peace

The Dream About a week ago, I went to bed inwardly frustrated. I’d gotten fed up over not experiencing miracles and wonders the way I believe we can see them. I was looking for MORE of what I know we can have thru God’s kingdom in my life. I was [...]

How I Handled Meeting Jesus (In My Dream)

  Last year, as in November 2017, I had an amazing dream of meeting Jesus. Without going into all the details of the dream, I will say that it was similar to the movie, ‘The Shack’, except Jesus actually looked the way He would’ve looked on earth. The dream took [...]

Women Like Us!

Last week, I posted on Facebook about a dream I had where I was in China and then I was in some country in Europe. Usually, my dreams about Europe consist of my family and I doing some type of ministry in certain European countries, and even living in [...]

By |2017-04-13T00:17:32+00:00March 14th, 2017|Women/Moms/Wives|0 Comments
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