About LaSaunda Logan

We are all on a journey full of processing, and I feel like it's my responsibility to share mine. By following this blog, you'll get to grow with me, and hopefully thrive from experiencing my journey, complete with its highs and lows. I am a woman, a wife, and a mother of four who is finally beginning to "get it". It is my hope that the pages of my life can serve as at least one ring on the ladder of your journey.

Go Low

**Disclaimer: Before I begin, let me just say that I’ve recently ventured out of this safe, low place, but I am returning slowly but surely.**    Go low. This is a command that God has given me throughout my life. Sometimes, He’s said the exact words. Other times, He’s demonstrated [...]

They Were Worth It (A Birthday Tribute to Gabriel)

They Were Worth It! (Birthday Tribute to Gabriel) Having children was the second most intense process God used to annihilate my deceptive narrative of “life will obey my every command”. Outside of the normal trials and tribulations in my selfish single years, marriage (the most intense) came along and kept [...]

Know His Pace, Know His Peace

The Dream About a week ago, I went to bed inwardly frustrated. I’d gotten fed up over not experiencing miracles and wonders the way I believe we can see them. I was looking for MORE of what I know we can have thru God’s kingdom in my life. I was [...]

A Quick Word to Mamas and Daddies…Don’t Hold Back!!

Just a quick word to Mamas and Daddies!   Let your kids see you worship the Lord. Do it in their presence unashamedly. Let them see you refuse their requests when they barge in on your time with God. Let them see you invite them into your time with God, [...]

By |2018-10-03T21:30:16+00:00October 3rd, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

14 Years, 10 Months, and 12 Days

It’s been 14 Years, 10 Months, and 12 Days since I’ve not had at least one of my children with me all day long. As of today, all my children are in school, out of the home, for a full school day. Yayyyy …I think! Over the years, our kids [...]

Fruit Pouches and Jesus

Fruit Pouches and Jesus Recently at a Sunday service at my local church, I made a b-line to go near the altar/stage to participate in collective worship. I asked my three-year-old daughter if she wanted to go up with me, and she said, “yes.” I wish I could say that [...]

How I Handled Meeting Jesus (In My Dream)

  Last year, as in November 2017, I had an amazing dream of meeting Jesus. Without going into all the details of the dream, I will say that it was similar to the movie, ‘The Shack’, except Jesus actually looked the way He would’ve looked on earth. The dream took [...]

Enoch…A Great Parenting Example (Written By Brandon Logan)

I believe all of us, including boys, girls, women, and men are called to "walk with God" like some of the forerunners in scripture. We have a fantastic opportunity to live every day with the constant presence and communication of the Almighty Himself. Since the Spirit of Christ began drawing me [...]

The Beauty of Birthing, Pt. 1

Oh My Goodness!! A LOT has been happening lately! No one really tells you that when God accelerates you, it's not ONLY the blessing, which is produced by the “birthing process” [spiritual birthing], that's accelerated. I’m discovering that He accelerates the birth pains that usually accompany the actual birth, as well. What does [...]

By |2017-04-27T00:54:12+00:00April 27th, 2017|Experiencing God, Family Life|0 Comments

Women Like Us!

Last week, I posted on Facebook about a dream I had where I was in China and then I was in some country in Europe. Usually, my dreams about Europe consist of my family and I doing some type of ministry in certain European countries, and even living in [...]

By |2017-04-13T00:17:32+00:00March 14th, 2017|Women/Moms/Wives|0 Comments
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